Victor launches new Rewards Program to ease frequent chartered flyers
Victor, the charter jet booking platform, announced its new customer reward model. Named as Alto, it is an innovative program. Under this, as Alto account is created on the platform for users. Any flight service booked on Victor would be tracked and the reward points would be applied on future bookings. For every dollar spent, a user earns a single point and once the total reaches 10,000 points, the sum becomes redeemable. These points can be used within 3 years. If not spent, they would expire automatically. Points are tracked by login on the website or Victor’s iOS app.
The great aspect about the program is it included registered customers using the service for the previous year. Therefore, these users can redeem their points based on their previous year’s spending. The chartered flight booking platform invested USD 800,000 to allocated points. In next five years, the company would invest up to 10 million in the reward program.
Victor was founder back in 2011 as an online booking platform for chartered flights. The idea of the platform was to offer transparency to users in terms of cost and services. In this platform, any additional costs and hidden charges are displayed while comparing the services. The platform works with more than 100 charter service providers offering flights throughout the globe in a variety of sizes and models.
The global service provider rolled out its latest reward program as the world’s first global frequent-flier program for private jet charter. Earlier, the company rolled out another innovative program called Victor Carbon Reduction, under which, users can earn extra credits while flying. These credits are spent on environmental initiatives around the globe. It is done in partnership with BP Target Neutral and Air BP.