The First Ever Female Vice-President of U.S. is an Inspiration to Female Activists; Kamala Harris is the the talk of the town

It's just a tad over two months since the history has been made, American has witnessed it's first-ever female vice president in the U.S. history, also becoming the highest-ranked female official in United States History. Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote on Democrats’ $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill that became the law of the land last week, accentuating another illustrious moment for the first-ever female vice president of U.S.
Serving as the 49th vice president of the United States, Harris, is at the center of the administration’s endeavors to confront anti-Asian violence in the U.S.
Joe Biden looked for someone who could restrain the Democratic voter coalition he needed to win, Safe enough to say Kamala's multi-racial backdrop made her a remarkable choice for the Second spot.
Kamala Harris' ostensibly had plans and ambitions as she became one of six Democratic women who ran for president in 2020, a historical feat in itself in a political system which is always been quite hostile to female candidates since its commencement.
The American history of Female' entry in the leadership takes us back about a century ago where Victoria Claflin Woodhull became the first woman to run for the office in 1872, as the candidate of the Equal Rights Party and reckoned as the first woman to run for the presidency.
Stephanie Schriock, president of political action committee Emily’s List said, “That is a huge milestone to cross over, which has been on the front lines of that battle since 1985. She will be in the room where the big decisions are being made, where the agenda is being set, with a perspective that has never been there before.”
“In 2020 there were six women running, that was a really positive change for this process,” Schriock added. “There’s usually only one, and that’s happened only a couple of times in our history.”
Back in 2016, Hilary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president of the United States by a major political party when she won the Democratic Party nomination. Clinton was also deemed as a front runner due her impressive status.
As a member of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris served as a United States senator from California from 2017 to 2021, and as the attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017. She became the vice president in January 2021 alongside President Joe Biden, who prevailed the reigning president, Donald Trump, and vice president, Mike Pence, in the 2020 election. "Harris was instrumental in their victory and President Biden clearly views her as a partner, as a teammate." reckons Carly Fiorina, an American businesswoman, and politician.
United States
Vice President
Kamala Harris
Female Activists