MacKenzie Scott Contributed £1.3Billion To A Charity As A Part Of Pledge.

Mackenzie Scott A Woman Of Her Word!
MacKenzie Scott, one of the world's richest women has donated $1.7 billion of her $37 billion fortune to charitable cause.
In 2019 after her divorce (Jeff and MacKenzie announced their seperation in January'2019 in joint statement on Twitter) from Amazon founder Jeff Bezoz, she took a pledge to give away majority of her wealth.
Read her full statement here
“Last year I Pledged to give the majority of my wealth back to the society that helped generate it, to do it thoughtfully, to get started soon, and to keep at it until the safe is empty. There’s no question in my mind that anyone’s personal wealth is the product of a collective effort, and of social structures which present opportunities to some people, and obstacles to countless others.
Like many, I watched the first half of 2020 with a mixture of heartbreak and horror. Life will never stop finding fresh ways to expose inequities in our systems; or waking us up to the fact that a civilization this imbalanced is not only unjust, but also unstable. What fills me with hope is the thought of what will come if each of us reflects on what we can offer. Opportunities that flowed from the mere chance of skin color, sexual orientation, gender, or zip code may have yielded resources that can be powerful levers for change. People troubled by recent events can make new connections between privileges they’ve enjoyed and benefits they’ve taken for granted. From there, many will choose to share some of what they have with people whose equal participation is essential to the construction of a better world.
The non-profits listed below were selected for transformative work in one of the following areas of need:
Total given to date:
Racial Equity: $ 586,700,000
LGBTQ+ Equity: $ 46,000,000
Gender Equity: $ 133,000,000
Economic Mobility: $ 399,500,000
Empathy & Bridging Divides: $ 55,000,000
Functional Democracy: $ 72,000,000
Public Health: $ 128,748,000
Global Development: $ 130,000,000
Climate Change: $ 125,000,000
I’ll highlight more as my giving continues in the months and years to come.”
The Giving Pledge concept was created by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett in 2014. The concept is "an open invitation for billionaires, or those who would be if not for their giving, to publicly dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy." So far approx. 200 individuals and families have signed the agreement, but one name missing from the list is MacKenzie's ex, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.
Also Read : Success secret of self made Billionaires