Golf Etiquettes to follow while on a Course

The Royals and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, shortly, R&A, states Golf Etiquettes as a set of overriding principles in consideration while playing golf. These etiquettes should be followed and shown by every golfer. These are not formal rules, but golfers are expected to follow them. These rules are set to make the sport safer and hence more enjoyable, encompassing aspects like behavior on the course and usage of sport equipment.
Golf Etiquettes are generally more oriented towards respect to other players on the course. Golfers should not distract other fellow golfers. They should not run during the play, stay silent and let others complete their shots. The golf cart should be parked only in the designated paths. If cart is off the paths, the 90-degree rule must be followed. In this rule, the path of greatest convenience is not used but a 90 degree turn off the path is taken toward the fairway of the ball and return along the same path. The golf cart, apart from distracting other players might inflict wear and tear to the course.
There is something called Honor on the course. This means the honor of teeing off first. This honor is to player with the best score on the previous hole. If there is no high score, the order of the previous tee should be maintained. While playing in a group, the line of sight should be always left clear. While in the tee box, golfers should not stand behind or on the way of the player ready to swing. Always stand alongside the player. If the golfer ready to shoot wants his partners to move a bit, they should honor the request.
Always repair the pitch-marks, fairway divots and bunkers after altering them. The pitch-mark is the dent that a golf ball makes on the green after hitting the ground. Always repair such mark to keep the ground in good condition. Never ground the club while practicing a shot. It means not let the club touch sand, water or anything while practicing. However, while shooting it is allowed. If a shot is taken from a bunker, always smoothen the sand again after walking out. Always enter the bunker from the lower side. Always repair the divots using sand or grass. Use the diver to repair the divot.
Choosing the correct Tee is a basic rule. Always match the tee with the skill level. Tee the ball between two markers, within 2 club lengths behind. Last, but not the least, slower players are to follow the faster ones. Always follow the players ahead and never be pushed by players from behind the line.