The Hot Trends to watch for Food and Fine Dining

Fine Dining has been always a memorable experience. However, with time, foodies are also changing and new trends emerge in experience of fine dining as well. Here are the trends to watch in Fine Dining. Going Real: Foods are getting lesser makeover with time. They are getting real on the plates for rich foodies with less distraction. The most expensive menu comes with single choices of exotic cuisine. Hence, food has become pure with lesser ingredients to accompany them. For example, if the order is for truffles, the platter will only have truffles with no other mixes with the dish. This means, foodies are into getting the real tastes of ingredients and in their actual form

2. Restaurant becoming a passé:
Eating out is the new mode of fine dining. The concept of fine dining is no longer restricted within the four walls of some daintily sculptured building. Rather, it could be by the side of a waterfall, wide open on top of a hillock or even on a boat floating on blue water. Also, fusion dining, community tables and food trucks are trending in the premium eatery world.
3 Small Stores Taking Over Big Brands:
Luxury food is no longer a monopoly of bigger brands. As many exotic cuisines are based on natural availability, geographic location plays a critical role in luxury dining. Small eateries can also offer an expensive platter as that of a branded restaurant in Paris. All it depends on cuisines they are offering rather than their brand.
4. Sourcing & Sustainability:
The phenomenon of sourcing of food is trending high. Luxury food now needs to present their source comprehensively. Foodies have become very conscious of natural preservation, climate change and other global issues. It has become customary in luxury dining to ask from where the new exotic dish is from. What is the method of extraction and more importantly if the buyer contributing to natural imbalances? However, sourcing also has another implication. Many buyers want to know the source because they can trace down the origin and find cheaper to get it direct from local producers.
5. The Benefits:
Most of rich buyers do not spend until he or she is sure of an investment or profit out of it. The same holds true in case of rich foodies. Taste matters, but more than it, the benefits of consuming a particular cuisine. Hence, foods that are said to have immense health benefits, proven scientifically or through oral traditions, bag the best price in luxury food market.