Saffron, the Most Expensive Spice in the World

Saffron is considered as one of the most exotic spices on the planet. It is also the oldest spices, which have been utilized as a seasoning, dye, medicine and fragrance for many years in countries like Iran, China, Egypt and India.

Saffron is well known as one among the costliest spices around the world. The Quality saffron can cost you around $3,000 for just two pounds. For many centuries, it has been used as food spices, and it is also being used for medicinal purposes. The process of production of saffron is very time-consuming and delicate. This is the reason why it is expensive. You know only a small part of the saffron flower—the stigmata—is actually used for the spice.
Thus, it takes some 75,000 saffron flowers to make just one pound of spice. In addition to that, the stigmata are delicate, so is being hand harvested, and drying them is a costly thus it is considered as a labor-intensive process. The Saffron flower grows under very specific conditions, blooming for only one week of the year. It only grows best in full sun and well-drained, rich soil in an area that’s dry in the summer. Indian, Iranian, and Spanish saffron are the most popular types, though Americans mostly purchase the Spanish variety.

Essential Uses of Saffron
Saffron is a spice that is famous for its remarkable fragrance, rich color, and unique flavor. It is being used to enrich the flavor and taste of various dishes across different parts of the world but most commonly across Asia. Saffron is no doubt a very helpful and useful spice not only in the kitchen but also in improving one’s health. This is the reason why it is popular and is quite expensive.
Saffron offer lots of health benefit both for gastronomic and therapeutic uses. It is one among the oldest herbs that can offer medicinal purposes. In ancient Indian and Egyptian cultures, saffron has been used as aphrodisiac. Also it is believed that Saffron is used in the cleansing of body, for mind sharpening, and increasing sexual desire as well as performance into a higher level. However, Saffron has its own downside like it can increase body heat. Thus, people suffering from high blood pressure should be extra careful in terms of saffron consumption.
According to history, Cleopatra the active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt used saffron in order to make her skin golden in color and give it a romantic aroma.
The saffron is also being used in some religious ceremonies. The Tibetan Monks are also using saffron for their prayers and blessings. Also, calligraphers have been using it in order to write their religious books like the Quran.

How to select Saffron?
Since saffron is so expensive, it is essential to be extra careful in choosing the best saffron because not all available varieties are of the same quality. Sometimes, there is a chance that you will come across a dishonest dealer that add yellow threads to increase the quantities of their products. Thus, you must be wise in buying saffron.
In order to find out whether your saffron is pure or not, immerse little amount of product in milk or warm water and once the water change it colors right away, then the saffron is just an imitation. The true saffron should be soaked in milk or warm water for at least 10 to 15 minutes prior so that its deep red color and the aroma start to develop.