How Health and Wellness became a Status Symbol in modern Culture

In modern times, Health and Wellness clearly do not come with a cheap price tag. From a gym membership that starts with $200 per month to green juices that cost $10 twice a day everything associated with a healthy life is now expensive. One of the best examples is the Organic Foods, which are only available under multiplexes, packed in branded packages. Lest to mention the skin care lotions and “all natural” beauty products; in wealthy society, health trainers and weekly facial course would amount to $500. Hence, the expenses to stay fit as transformed naturally as a cup of tea only for the rich section of the society. The trend is also corroborated by the fact that the number of obese people is generally high within the lower and middle income groups.

The type of gym a person attends, the type of sport wears one prefer or the expense in here Yoga classes, speak equally louder like the brand of clothe a person wears. Lately, it is not the one that buys a $12000 handbag that snatches the bigger attention; it is the one that spends $1000 every day on a special medicine or spa treatment on a luxury eco resort. The kind of sport one plays or the exercise one does have become a personal brand in present times. Buyers of a high priced sportswear are proud to show off their possession more than the buyers of a luxury handbag. In the same way, how much time one spends in a spin session is simply a symbol of buying power of the person. Similar to the brand of a car or the limited edition of Porsche one buys, Yoga Sessions or a trip to a luxury eco resort is now a personal identity. Exercise, food and wellness awareness are the new bench mark of lifestyle and richness. In addition, rare medicines, herbs and organic culinary habits are making up to a societal identity. The reason for this transformation is the changing needs of rich to more subtle aspects of daily life than just luxury cars and dress. The change now is to habits and lifestyle

The luxury industry is flourishing and a number of verticals are being added to the bandwagon. From spa, wines, health technology, specialty medicines to rare foods, business are blooming to support the privileged class. Moreover, the expenses on experiences are reaching new heights. According to experts, the wellness boom is primarily backed up by the increasing craze of the rich towards experiences rather than goods and products. The modern culture is obsessed with work, business and the drive to get wealthier. Against a backdrop of such developments, a section of society is increasingly attracted towards health and wellness. Apart from being aware, expenses of the wealthy are now foraying into the maintenance of a healthy life.