Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling Secretly Bought Back Her Childhood Home that inspired ‘Harry Potter’

J.K Rowling the Harry Potter author has purchased her childhood home, Church Cottage at Tutshill in Chepstow. The one that helped inspire various elements of much-beloved Harry Potter franchise.
Now, the secret is out that the novelist actually bought the property, called “Church Cottage,” nine years ago, under her husband’s name for £400,000 ($499,554.00 USD) in 2011.

The 54-year-old author between the ages of nine and 18 resided in the Gloucestershire County home with her parents, Anne and Peter, and her sister Dianne, before she moved away to Paris, France, for post-secondary education.
This news came to light after a local reported that Rowling is now renovating this home, which is considered a historic building in England.
Before even making a name for herself with Harry Potter Rowling left her mark on the property by writing "Joanne Rowling slept here circa 1982" on one of the walls by her bedroom window. Rowling apparently conceptualized the idea of the Harry Potter books while she was delayed on a train in 1990. The house itself has a cupboard under the stairs much like Harry's home, and it also features a trapdoor to a creepy cellar, reminiscent of the one guarded by Fluffy in The Philosopher's Stone.
From there on, J.K. Rowling developed the story over the course of 5 years and wrote the story by hand on paper. In year 2003 the author revealed in an interview that it was very difficult for her to write her story, as she was then a single mother to her daughter Jessica. She walk around Edinburgh pushing her in a stroller and waited till she fell asleep and rushed to the nearest cafe and wrote for as long as her daughter remained asleep because she want to finish what she started.
J.K. Rowling told that four or five publishers turned down the series before it finally turned into a reality. The writer's current net worth sits at $92M according to Forbes. The book series was later adapted into a successful film series that starred Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint in all eight films.